English version

319. "Somewhere over the rainbow" - Scambio

Data: 08/09/2010

NR.: 319

DATA: 08.09.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Somewhere over the rainbow"


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Scambio

ARGOMENTO: Environmental sustainability

PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Polonia, Belgio, Spagna, Italia e Slovenia

Dates: 16th September 2010 - 1st October 2010
We are looking for 4 participants, younger than 26 from every country. One (the fifth) can be older. This exchange will be about the importance of environmental sustainability. We will learn about healthy livestyles while living together in our mountain house. Also will be many workshops on environmental, but also on artistic and spiritual topics. In the programme is left space for input from participants, so ideas and proposals are welcome. You find our contact details at the end of this call. Living together in a house in the natural heritage of Pohorje mountain region with the beautiful environment and untouched nature in the surroundings is a perfect opportunity for work on the environmental awareness of Europe's youth. In workshops we will discuss two main topics: social participation and raising environmental awareness (and our active role in it). Environmental activities, concerning the Pohorje natural environment, will be guided and discussed with experts (learning about alternative ways of sustainable living). We will discuss the relationships of people, the aims, objectives and methods of social participation and environmental protection. We will be raising young people's awareness of everyone’s responsibility in tackling environmental and economical/social/ethnic issues. For this topic we prepared different methods of group dynamic games, social learning games, workshops, environmentally creative workshops in which everyone will have his own role and part, and practice active participation in the society. The outcome of natural cooperation will be opening exhibition in Ruše. The exhibition will be in words, photos and short video introduced the biodiversity and natural values of Pohorje, which are protected by the Natura 2000 site. The exhibition will also be shown separately new organic method of farming in Europe is more widespread and by doing so, we will interact with the local community.
In this way the project contributes to the active role of youth in social participation and environmental protection in a European context.
Travel get’s reimbursed 70pct by us, after you send us the original tickets and boarding passes and after our National Agency agrees.
Food and lodging is free during the days of the training course.

SCADENZA: As soon as possible

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