English version

320. “Zapping Poverty” - Scambio

Data: 08/09/2010

NR.: 320

DATA: 08.09.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Zapping Poverty”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Adina Marina Calafateanu (Romania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Scambio

ARGOMENTO: Unemployment and youth employability

PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Italia, Bulgaria, Lettonia, Estonia e Romania

Dates: 20th - 27th of September 2010
Places: Bucharest, Romania
For 8 days, 35 youngsters from 7 countries will work together, in an intercultural setting, producing the Youth Employment Action Plan, analyzing the actual situation with the youth unemployment and coming with proposals for the stakeholders, for the Universities, for the private sector and for their peers to tackle the unemployment situation. Through the experiential workshops, through the simulation and role playing games and through the group working on the Youth Action Plan, the youngsters’ mutual support, their solidarity and their understanding will be fully challenged. Also, we want to bring awareness on the youth’s group about the global movement against poverty and social exclusion, promoting the 2010’s priorities – as the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. At the end of the 8 days, the 35 participants will come with a consistent and coherent document that will reflect their perspective on the youth unemployment and its actual status but also with practical solutions for different stakeholders to tackle this problem. The action plan will then be shared with their peers, through the dissemination and multiplication plan. Integrating also YiA’s objectives and its permanent and annual priorities, Zapping Poverty has the following priority objectives:
- Promoting the active youth participation and offering to 35 youngsters from 7 countries the opportunity to discuss about the youth unemployment
- Empowering youth to come with their own practical proposals to for youth unemployment through the Youth Action Plan on Unemployment
- Encouraging the cultural exchange and having a great impact on the participants’ intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue
- Promoting the cooperation in the youth field and developing new cooperation plans and follow up projects
- Promoting the 2010’s priorities and the 2011 priorities – promoting volunteering and the benefits that can be conducted through volunteering
- Promoting Youth in Action and its opportunities
- Promoting the non-formal education and its recognition – through the skills and competencies development and providing the participants with the Youthpass
- Coming with a consistent and coherent document, at the end of the exchange, the Action Plan and disseminating it to the stakeholders to whom these proposals are addressed.
Creating a network of active youngsters and active promoters who will continue working on youth unemployment also disseminating the Youth Action plan in their networks and communities.
The project’s methodology:
We consider that using the non-formal education and the mobility programmes that encourage the skills’ development is an appropriate measure to tackle the youth unemployment. Thus, all the methodology we developed is based on developing the participants’ skills and opportunities. First of all, creating an intercultural setting, the intercultural learning approach will be automatically used. The participants will permanently work in intercultural teams and their intercultural dialogue skills will developed. The other educational approaches that we will use had been chosen both due to the theme and also through the workshops and activities proposed. The project has a strong learning by doing dimension, as the participants, through the workshops they will be part of, will have the chance to get to know more about the youth situation and the youth challenges, but also to be part of intercultural settings that will have a visible impact on their personal development. This learning by doing phase is supported by the experiential learning perspective that we included in the methodology.
The participants will go for the experiential cycle, starting from one experience, filtering it through other 3 phases and re-experiencing the situation, in the end. All these situations will be analyzed by each of the participants and they will then reflect upon the learning achievements that they gathered. Also, as in each of the groups it will be at least one group leader, all the promoters suggested to emphasize the facilitation perspective and to offer the leaders an active role in guiding the groups, whenever required.
Information about the accommodation:
The accommodation will be provided in the Hostel of the Technical University of Bucharest – the hostel is in the campus. – 2 pax/ room.
The meals will be provided at the cafeteria of the Technical University of Bucharest - 5 minutes walking distance from the hostel.

SCADENZA: 8th of S

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