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322. "YOUTHPASS sans peine !" A training course for Youthpass multipliers in French language

Data: 08/09/2010

NR.: 322

DATA: 08.09.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "YOUTHPASS sans peine !" A training course for Youthpass multipliers in French language

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Gilles Baccala (Francia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training Course

ARGOMENTO: A training course about using Youthpass


Date: 08th – 14th of November 2010
Place: Metz, France
A training course about using Youthpass, the tool for recognition of non formal learning education in the Youth in Action Programme activities, for Youthpass multipliers in networks or territories.
Target group:
Project managers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth workers
For participants from: All Youth in Action programme countries
Group size: 30
This European training course, organised by National Agencies of Youth in Action Programme of France and Luxembourg, targets French speaking youth workers and leaders, projects promoters, EVS volunteers mentors, or trainers from all “Programme countries” of YiA Programme. Priority will be given to those who could not attend the training courses with English as working language proposed by the SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre. The team of the TC will be two trainers from the European Youthpass pool of trainers, Sylvain Abrial (French) and Mark Taylor (British living in France), and the Youthpass contact persons of French and Luxembourg Agencies. The content and the methods of the TC will be the same than for the SALTO Youthpass TCs with English as working language. The main objectives of this TC will be:
- to raise awareness of the principles and practice of non-formal learning
- to inform and train participants about Youthpass in the different Actions of the YiA programme
- to enable participants to multiply Youthpass through training and promotion with different stakeholders
- to work on learning to learn with Youthpass and the Portfolio as examples of such tools
- to enable participants to receive a Youthpass after the course if they so wish
- to allow for informal contact-making outside the formal programme
- o provide space for participants to develop strategies and action plans for their work back home
- to create a learning community full of discoveries
- and of course to have a nice, fun time with everyone
Programme, accommodation and food costs are fully covered by the Youth in Action programme. Travel costs from home to the venue and back, can be covered partially or totally by the sending National Agency of selected participants. Please check this point with your NA before applying. The sending NA can also ask for a participation fee.
Working language: French

SCADENZA: 08th of October 2010

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