English version

334. "PEACEbag" - Azione 3.1

Data: 05/10/2010

NR.: 334

DATA: 05.10.2010


RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Stefanos Stefanidis (Grecia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 3.1

ARGOMENTO: Combat stereotypes and foster cooperation in the youth


Place: Athens (Mati, Nea Makri area) - Greece
Project for first half of March 2011, 5 working days
Call for participants for application date invitation to organizations based in the europen union and med countries
Because of the need to increase knowledge and understanding among cultures, combat stereotypes, and foster cooperation in the field of joint youth initiatives among Euro-Mediterranean countries. This training course??s long-term goal is to broaden and strengthen the peace constituency among the youth in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Mainly we examine examples from real world (stories to see in the news etc) related with intercultural problems, our issue is to see how its possible to deal with this cases using intercultural understanding tools.
General Objectives:
• To foster intercultural understanding and mutual respect through dialogue, while at the same time, building capacities and skills for peace work among the youth participants.
• To further enrich the intercultural learning dimension of each organization, taking into account the shared experiences of partners working in the similar field.
• To foster future cooperation among youth leaders by realizing common values within Euro-Mediterranean??s rich cultural diversity and it??s value in international youth peace work.
Expected Outputs:
The training is expected to creat concrete results, such as: A network of contacts between European and South Mediterranean countries. Increased understanding and appreciation of Euro-Mediterranean culture Cooperation projects and initiatives related to peace and conflict transformation Increased competences of participants and their organizations to engage in Euro-Mediterranean cooperation and to integrate the learned intercultural perspectives in their work. A Tool for intercultural understanding, to be used and carried out in different global and local contexts
Methodology and Activities
A diversity of working methods will be used for learning about peace, interecultural dialogue, communication, creativity and personal development. The previous experience of participants in the formal and non-formal fields will be the starting point of the programme and of the learning process. Activities will include a combination of games, group work, role plays, simulation exercises, group presentations, short movie festivals, actual visits, cultural nights, language lessons, group cooking of different cultural foods, and individual reflection.
This training will seek to reflect cultural and gender diversity among it??s participants to ensure equality of opportunity and rich intercultural learning.
Non-formal approach:
The non-formal approach includes a focus on equal, friendly, innovative, attractive, entertaining, personal and involved relationships, as opposed to authoritative, distant and detached relationships. The training will remain flexible and adaptable to individual and group needs, and local contexts.
Each NGO participate with one (1) participant. Do not have any age limits BUT all the participants will be supposed have good experience in the Youth field.
Practical infos:
- The seminar planed for first half of March 2011
- The place will be in Mati, Nea Marki (near the historic place of Marathon, sea area, 42 Km from Athens, in the east coastline of Attica)
- We would inform you that the official language is ENGLISH and the participation fee are 50 Euro per person and it will be deducted from the reimbursement
- VISA and other related costs covered 100%
- Youth in Action cover the 70% of the travel cost and 100% hotel, food, local transports etc.
- Please fill and send us your PART III (sign and stamp) as soon as possible: via fax via email and original in our post.
- Please send the estimated travel cost from your city to Athens airport (see the attached form).

SCADENZA: 1st of November 2010

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