English version

349. "I Could Write A Book" - Training Course, Action 3.1

Data: 17/11/2010

NR.: 349

DATA: 17.11.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "I Could Write A Book"

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Milos Kovacevic (Serbia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training Course, Action 3.1

ARGOMENTO: Using creative writing as a method for social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities


Period of realization: From 21st - 30th October 2011
Location: Novi Sad, Serbia
Training Course about using creative writing as a method for social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities - youth that are discriminated and socially not accepted (excluded) because of their personal opinions, ideas, views of life, behaviour, life styles....
Who we are:
The host organization is NGO Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia. As one of the leading NGOs in Serbia, the Helsinki Committee examines the situation of human rights in Serbia against country's overall socioeconomic and political context - an approach to the problematic different from those of other human rights organizations and best mirrored in its annual reports. Here the organization not only dissects policies and trends affecting the exercise of human rights but also provide relevant recommendations.
About the Project:
Training Course about using creative writing as a method for social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities - youth that are discriminated and socially not accepted (excluded) because of their personal opinions, ideas, views of life, behaviour, life styles....
The main goal
of our training course "I Could Write A Book" is to offer to participants new writing techniques and learning methods for improving inclusion of excluded groups of youth - young people with fewer opportunities. On our training course, using non formal way of learning, participants will get necessary knowledge and skills about creative writing techniques and methods. With this, participants will become multipliers of products from our training course in their every day work with youth that are discriminated and socially not accepted (excluded) because of their personal opinions, ideas, views of life, behaviour, life styles.... Through working on this project participants will promote values of inclusion of social excluded groups. Training course will also promote cultural diversities, social cooperation, youth initiative and active participation.
on our training course will be: creative writing, summarizing of written materials (chapters), work on individual and group expressions, blogging activities and creating e novel.
Target group
on our training course are people actively involved in work with social excluded youth - young people with fewer opportunities (youth workers, youth leaders, play workers, NGO activists, school teachers, social workers, peer educators).
• to promote inclusion as a most significant value working with young people with fewer opportunities;
• to encourage excluded groups of young people with fewer opportunities to play an active role in their communities;
• to stimulate participants to have reflection on the essential characteristics of European society and foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries;
• to contribute participants development of creative capabilities and skills in youth work using learning and creative methods (writing techniques).
Working language:
English - all participants must be able to actively communicate using English language
All interested Program countries and Neighboring Partner countries.
100% for accommodation will be covered and 70% of travel cost (Apex tickets) will be reimbursed after receiving original receipts. If you are interested to become partner organization in our project please send to us: Filled, Signed and Scanned part III from attachment, by E-mail.
As we are applying on 1st February deadline, be as fast as possible in sending to us part III and do not forget to send us approximately your travel costs from your home town to Novi Sad, Serbia.

SCADENZA: 10th of December 2010

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