English version

362. “Get Involved: Training course on Youth Democracy projects development” - Training course

Data: 24/11/2010

NR.: 362

DATA: 24.11.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Get Involved: Training course on Youth Democracy projects development”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: To explore the concept of youth participation and
learn how to set up your own Youth Democracy project


Date: 05th – 10th of March 2011
Place: Sofia, Bulgaria
The Get Involved TC gives you an opportunity to explore the concept of youth participation, learn about the Youth in Action programme and learn how to set up your own Youth Democracy project.
Target group:
Project managers, Young people, Youth leaders, Youth workers
student councils, local authorities, associations
For participants from:
All Youth in Action programme countries
Group size: 26 participants.
What for?
The objectives of the training course are:
• To explore the added value of Youth Democracy projects for the local community;
• To acquire project management and communication competences;
• To develop understanding about the principles of youth participation;
• To learn about the Youth in Action Programme and especially about the quality criteria of Action 1.3 Youth Democracy projects;
• To share and transfer experiences of activities undertaken in the local community;
• To create a space for contact making and finding potential partners for Youth Democracy projects;
• To develop an action plan to realise a Youth Democracy project.
What is it all about?
The programme is designed to give you knowledge and skills to develop and realise your Youth Democracy project after the course. The following elements can be included in the programme:
• Youth in Action programme.You will get information about the Youth in Action programme, particularly the criteria of Action 1.3 Youth Democracy projects;
• Concept of participation. You will reflect on the concept of youth participation to get a better understanding;
• Project management. You will reflect on current needs in your local community. You will define concrete project ideas to answer those needs. You will set up the first steps in the development of your Youth Democracy project;
• Teamwork and partnerships. You will be given suggestions to help with team work (at local and international level): decision-making processes, division of tasks, and cooperation between the partner groups;
• Intercultural setting. You will meet people from all over Europe to exchange experiences, work on participation, develop future actions etc;
• Contact making. You will get to know each other's projects and organisations and will have the opportunity to further develop cooperation with your partners.
Which methods will be used?
The course will be based on the principles and practices of non-formal education taking into account your needs, motivations and previous experiences as the starting point of the programme. A diversity of working methods will be used for learning about Youth Democracy project management: thinking together, brainstorming, creating new ideas, discussions, debates, simulations, etc. You will be actively supported to work on concrete projects and enabled to apply for Action 1.3 of the Youth in Action programme. There will be space for regular feedback and evaluations.
Sending costs (travel costs, insurance) can be covered by the National Agencies sending participants to the training course (please check with your NA). Hosting costs (accommodation, food, program activities, and local transport) will be covered by the hosting National Agency.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 31st of January 2011

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