English version

260. “Active participation – do it with EuroMed!” - Training course

Data: 08/09/2011

NR.: 260

DATA: 08.09.2011

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Active participation – do it with EuroMed!”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Vladislava Skele (Lettonia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Encourage active participation of young people


Activity date: 29th – 04th of November 2011
Venue place, venue country: Sigulda, Latvia.
Target group: Project managers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth Policy Makers, Youth workers.
For participants from: Youth in action programme countries, mediterranean partner countries.
Group size: 28 participants.
The main aim of the training course is to bring together representatives of youth organizations from European and Meda countries in order to encourage active participation of young people in these two regions and improve EuroMed cooperation through development and implementation of common youth projects within “Youth in Action” programme. This training is organized by the Latvian National Agency (NA) of “Youth in Action” programme, which has identified Medditerranean countries as the priority neighbouring region for partnership in “Youth in Action” programme and sees strong partnership and mutual trust as the basis for good quality EuroMed youth projects.
• To increase the motivation of youth workers from European and Meda countries (which are currently weakly linked) to cooperate with each other;
• To contribute to creation of better understanding of national and regional realities of young people and specificities in youth work, youth policy and needs of young people;
• To identify challenges in cooperation between the regions and find out possible actions for prevention or solution, thus, ensuring the long term perspective in cooperation between the regions and effeciency in partnership;
• To develop cooperation and communication skills of participants along with their intercultural competence and cultural sensitivity;
• To explore opportunities and challenges of the „Youth in Action” programme and other tools as means for development of international youth activities, projects and cooperation between partners;
• To develop the common understanding of the quality criteria and learning principles in the projects implemented within the “Youth in Action” programme;
• To build partnerships and work out project ideas that could be leater implemented to enhance youth participation.
For whom:
The training course will involve mixed group of representatives
from “Youth in Action” Programme countries and Meda region. Altogether 28 participants will take part in the training course, considering the balance between representatives from European and Meda countries.
The training course is open for participants with:
• Direct contact to young people through either professional or voluntary activities;
• Strong motivation and interest to develop cooperation and new projects enhancing youth participation within European and Meda countries through the commonly implemented activities;
• Background of being involved in the organisationwhich has previous experience on implementation of international projects within “Youth in Action” or “EuroMed Youth” programmes (personal experience in project implementation within these programmes will be considered as an advantage);
• Support from their organisation to develop EuroMed projects in the frame of EU “Youth in Action” programme;
• Ability to work in English.
The training course programme is based on the principles of non-formal learning and will include different methods in order to create supportive environment for participants to get to know each other, their working backgrounds and countrysituations regarding the activity topic, share the needs and ideas for future co-operation and start to develop project ideas. The training course will also let participants to reflect on the quality criteria and learning principles of EuroMed projects implemented within the Youth in Action programme. The programme will be supported by team of professional trainers Natalja Gudakovska and Ieva Grudšteine (Latvia) and Iyad Aljaber (Jordan) - all three with extensive competences in the areas of EuroMed cooperation and youth participation.
The training course will be inanced by Latvian NA in co-operation with other NAs. The Latvian NA will cover costs of participants from Latvia and Meda countries (programme costs and costs related to international travel and visa). Costs of the participants from Programme Countries can be covered by the sending Please note that some financial contribution from participants (symbolic contribution) could be required according to each country’s policy of National Agency. Please contact your or Latvian NA for further details.NA (please check with your NA if they accept to cover these costs).
Working language: English.


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