English version

Altre Informazioni

Data: 29/09/2011

Deadline and Selection:
The documentation for applying should arrive by the end of September 2011 to the Course Secretariat (see: http://lbeurope.iuse.it/). To meet the deadline, a complete copy of the application might be sent by e-mail or fax.

Applicants will be notified by email on the results of the selection process by the end of October.

Tuition fees:
- Tuition fees for the programme are set at EURO 450,00.

- Thanks to the Compagnia di San Paolo financial support, the course awards some scholarships in order to cover part of the accommodation expenses.
- Such scholarships are awarded upon a written request attached to the application and on the basis of candidates´ supporting documentation.

Per ulteriori informazioni consultare il sito sottostante.

Sito web: http://www.bollettinodellavoro.it/pagina_master.php?codann=0000000901&codaz=0000000194&campo=master

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