English version

307. “YIPPI Youthpass in Initiatives!” - Seminar

Data: 03/11/2011

NR.: 307

DATA: 03.11.2011

TITOLO PROGETTO: “YIPPI Youthpass in Initiatives!”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Irene Handeland (Islanda)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Seminar

ARGOMENTO: Youthpass


Activity date: 23rd – 26th of January 2012.
Venue place, venue country: Reykjavik, Iceland.
Target group:
Trainers, NA staff, coaches and ex-beneficiaries of Youth initiatives.
For participants from: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden.
Group size: 16 + NA staff participants.
With this training course, we want to stimulate to the use of Youthpass in Youth initiative projects. The training will be based on methods and approaches within the non-formal education field.
For whom:
• Young people over 18 years who have implemented Youth initiatives;
• Coaches who have accompanied Youth initiative projects;
• Trainers who have worked with Youthpass and/or Youth initiatives.
All partcipants should come from Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden (4 pax from each country). Aditionally, 1-2 NA staff members from these countries will participate (officers responsible for Youth initiatives and/or Yothpass contact persons).
Aim & objectives:
• Learn how to use Youthpass in Youth initiatives on a concrete and hands-on level;
• Learn how to encourage Youth initiative participants to use Youthpass;
• Define what support is needed to use Youthpass in Youth initiatives.
Expected outcome:
1) Concrete ideas on how and why youth initiative participants can work with/use Youthpass;
2) Concrete ideas on how coaches, NAs and trainers can work with Youthpass for Youth initiatives;
3) Youthpass certificates for all participants should be issued as a part of the training.
Arrival on the afternoon/evening of 23rd January. The programme will start in the morning on 24 January and finish in the evening on the 25th. Departure will be in the morning 26 January. NA staff members should leave in the morning 27th January.
Reykjavik, venue not yet confirmed. Acommodation in double or group rooms.
This project is financed by the Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 2nd of December 2011.

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