English version

008. "The Way of council - Introduction" - Training course

Data: 16/02/2012

NR.: 8

DATA: 16.02.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: "The Way of council - Introduction"

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Marco Frimberger (Austria)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Develop self esteem and self attentiveness of a person and the communication within groups


Activity date: 28th of April – 1st of May 2012.
Venue place, venue country: Vill bei Innsbruck, Austria.
"Council“ is a non hierarchical and non violent form of communication in groups. It is about creating a safe space where we can connect to our stories and feel safe to share them and a way of building a community.
Target group: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders.
For participants from: Austria, Belgium - DE, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland.
Group size: 20 participants.
“Council” is a non hierarchical and non violent form of communication in groups, that puts “listening” in the focus. In council we listen without judgment-not to our story that wants to be told, not judging the stories we hear. Council is about creating a safe space, where we can connect to our stories and feel safe to share them. By sharing, we feel we are not alone, we feel heard. And we feel empowered. It is a healing practice. A way of building a community. A way of the heart. Council is a way to develop self esteem and self attentiveness of a person and the communication within groups Council offers teams, Institutions and groups of every kind a profound instrument to design processes, solve conflicts and crisis. It is a way to honor the achievements of these groups and individuals and is one of the most effective ways to create community. This Introduction to Council (in German) shall explore the possibilities of Council in the frame of non-formal Youthwork.
Costs for board and lodging will be paid by the Austrian NA. travel costs are (partly) covered by the National Agency of the Youth in Action Programme in your contry - please contact them for details.
Working language: German/Deutsch.

SCADENZA: 24th of Mach 2012.

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