English version

009. "YOUTH@WORK: Training Course on Youth Employment" - Training course

Data: 16/02/2012

NR.: 9

DATA: 16.02.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: "YOUTH@WORK: Training Course on Youth Employment"


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Youth employment


Activity date: 7th – 13th of May 2012.
Venue place, venue country: Gaziantep, Turkey.
Target group:
Youth workers, Project managers, Social workers who work with unemployed youth and would like to work for unemployed young people and would like to improve young peoples chances on job market /have a desire to raise the potentials of their youth work on youth employment.
For participants from: Youth in Action Programme Countries.
Group size: 30 participants.
A training course to raise the potential of the youth work to improve chances of young people in professional life and to understand un/employment role of youth work in giving youth better changes on labor market /in their professional life.
• Understand un/employment role of youth work in giving youth better changes on labour market /in their professional life;
• Exploring potential and limitations of youth work towards young peoples chances in professional life;
• Sharing experiences / realities learn from that experience;
• Operation alive how to improve young people’s chances on labour market.
Programme Elements:
• Non- Formal Education /Youth in Action / Youth Pass and their effect on Youth Employment;
• Vocabulary of Work ( employment, unemployment ,labor market, business etc.);
• Trends and Tensions on Youth Employment in Europe;
• Youth work approach on youth employment;
• Youth Employment Policies in Europe;
• Designing career & supporting Youth to design their career;
• Multicultural partnership;
• Intercultural Learning;
• Youth in Action Programme and project planning.
Approach and methodology:
In conjunction with the topic of this course – Youth@Work – it determines that the learning process will:
• be based on intrinsic motivation of the learner;
• be learner –centered and based on the experience of the participants;
• be based on a personal responsibility for learning, supported by a strong group dimension and collective approach;
• enable participants to apply and transfer what they have learned to their youth work, practice and social life;
• take into account the needs and motivation of participants and be open to regular feedback and evaluations.”
In the setting, the group process, the content and the methodology of the training activities, the focus is put on participation, active involvement, sharing of thoughts and feelings, learning by doing, group work and the intercultural dimension. Creativity & variety of the methods are important in our approach. Main methodologies were learning by experiencing, intercultural communication, reflective approach and the educational approach. The intercultural setting is an overall educational approach during the training as working/living/leisure experience.
This project is financed by the Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs or SALTO involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 23rd of March 2012.

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