English version

012. “Global VoluntPeers” - Training course

Data: 17/02/2012

NR.: 12

DATA: 17.02.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Global VoluntPeers”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Tatiana Carova (Repubblica Slovacca)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Global education

Activity date: 3rd – 9th of May 2012.
Venue place, venue country:
Modra (near Bratislava), Slovak Republic.
The project Global VoluntPeers is focusing on a combination of theoretical introduction and practical experience of the most alarming issues concerning our global world by means of experiential learning and non-formal education.
Target group: Youth workers, Young people, Youth leaders, everyone interested in global education.
For participants from: Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Slovenia.
Group size: participants.
This training course is open for all motivated young people and youth workers interested in Global education from these countries: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Greece, Austria, Slovenia and Hungary. It will take place in early May and last 7 days (5 full working days). The idea for organizing it was inspired by the wish and initiative of young volunteers working with the NGO People in Peril Association to learn more about the problems of today’s globalized world and to gain new competences in organizing and facilitating peer education activities on the topics of global education for youngsters on the local or international level.
The main objectives of the training therefore are:
• to enrich the participants’ knowledge of the global education main topics (through theory and experiential learning);
• to train the participants in using non-formal education methods for their later use within their activities of peer global education;
• to give participants the possibility of presentation of their GOs/NGOs and also to get acquainted with international organizations sharing the interest in cooperation on educational projects concerning the Global education;
• to provide participants with space for sharing tips of good practice and their ideas for successful youth work;
• to get more familiar with the opportunities provided by Youth in Action program with the relevance to the participants‘ needs and experience;
• to provide a platform for partnership building and induce cooperation among the participants;
• to support a creative atmosphere and inspire participants to design projects for the near future on the local, national and international level.
The partner countries and organizations within the project are: BOCS Foundation (Hungary), INEX-SDA (Czech Republic), Arpok, o.p.s (Czech Republic), Südwind NÖ Süd (Austria), Zavod Voluntariat (Slovenia), Fair Trade Hellas (Greece).
This project is financed by the Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the organizing NGO People in Peril Association - except for the participation fee of 30 EUR per participant. Please contact the coordinator of the project in order to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 5th of March 2012.

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