English version

052. "History? Live It Up! II - Medieval Revival" - Youth Exchange

Data: 17/04/2012

NR.: 52

DATA: 17.04.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: "History? Live It Up! II - Medieval Revival"


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Youth Exchange

ARGOMENTO: Medieval times life and culture.


Activity date: 24th – 30th of September 2012 (Arrival - departure).
Venue place, venue country: Athens area – Greece.
For participants from: Invitation to NGOs based in the European Union countries.
Group size: participants.
Main subject:
It is well know that young people prefer to approach cultural and historical elements characterizing their past through game and practice processes rather than through the visit to museums, archaeological sites or libraries. Music, theatre, handicraft, painting, cooking, languages can be the means through which young people progressively come to understand their historic identity, to discover their roots, to recognize themselves as members of a society whose values and principles are being shaped by relations, influences and common historical, artistic and culture elements. In Europe especially, traditions and culture functioned since the past as connecting elements of the countries of the basin, contributing to bring their people closer and to create on their turn, new cultural forms that have survived and evolved until today. Our project focused @ Medieval times life and culture.
Exchange issues:
The main aim of this project is for the participants to discover their historic and cultural identity and re-live the daily life of young people in medieval period trying to discover similarities and differences that characterized the life of the European populations throughout workshops on theatre, music, language, ceramic, painting, athletics, and cooking. Music and food are without doubts some of the elements connecting until today many cultures and populations and it is very interesting to see that there are common music and taste features, tradition or language elements that have been transferred, exchanged -transformed or not- from country to country.
1) All candidates must apply using the enclosed new PARTIII form. This form should be sent directly to the Organizer no later than 25th of April 2012.
2) Partners selection results will be announced on 2nd of May 2012 and only selected participants will be contacted. Due to the large number of applications expected, the organizer are not in a position to confirm candidates for the seminar. Accepted NGO’s will receive all relevant documents in advance by e-mail.
3) Its possible to participate NGO’s from Program EU countries ONLY
4) Each NGO participates with five (5) persons with NOT any exception (4 young people + 1 group leader).
5) Group leader don’t have any age limit (but it have to be greater than 18 years old). Participants age group: 18-25 years old.
Practical info’s:
• Youth exchange scheduled for 6 days @ 24-30 September 2012 and will be hosted in the region of Athens (or superb areas);
• English will be the working language. Participants must have sufficient understanding of English;
• Participation fee are 40 Euro per person and it will be deducted from the reimbursement;
• VISA costs (if any) and other related costs covered 100%;
• Youth in Action cover the 70% of the travel cost and 100% hotel, food, local transports etc.;
• Organizer is responsible for all the activities and costs, for this reason partners don't have any preparation activity cost.
Next steps:
1) To be a partner organisation in this activity, please fill the attached form (new PARTIII), sign and put your NGO stamp on it;
2) Send PARTIII via FAX to us;
3) SEND via email (in word doc form) your PARTIII form;
4) Please make sure that we receive your fax before April 25. Furthermore, please fill and send via fax the TRAVEL PLAN COSTS (form in attach in the email);
5) AFTER partners selection you receive more infos about the original PartIII (to send final form via post etc.)
PARTIII who will not be accompanied by TRAVEL PLAN COST form (signed and stamped) will NOT be accepted. Please forward this call to any partner, network or organisation of your contacts you deem possibly interested.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 1st of May 2012

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