English version

064. Training of Trainers in Education through Sport - Training course

Data: 07/05/2012

NR.: 64

DATA: 07.05.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: Training of Trainers in Education through Sport


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Long-term educational programme


Activity date: 18-24 June 2012
Venue place, venue country: Glasgow, United Kingdom
Target group: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Project managers
For participants from: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom, Iceland
Group size: 24 participants.
Details: Training of Trainers in Education through Sport” is a long-term educational programme, composed of 2 trainings,1 evaluation meeting and 1 networking component. The first residential meetings will take place in Glasgow from the 18th to the 24th of june.
Training of Trainers in Education through Sport” is a long-term educational programme, composed of 2 trainings, 1 evaluation meeting and 1 networking component. The residential meetings will take place in Scotland, Italy and France.
The aim is to create a network of 24 trainers who have the competences of using non-formal
education and education through sport in projects at national and international level, to support initiatives in the sport for all sector.
Participants will have the opportunity to use online educational tools and to facilitate a workshop or a training both in national and international context, in between the residential meetings. They will be supported by a mentor in their development and will receive continuous feedback and coaching sessions throughout the project.
The team and the participants will develop a toolbox with educational activities, which will be included in the
manual “Education through Sport – an active manual for European Youth”, which will serve as a key reference for
all trainers interested in this methodology.
The objectives of the training are in brief:
-To explore sport and physical activity as a tool for non-formal education and adapt different types of activities to diverse target groups;
- To develop knowledge, tools, attitudes and skills for the use of sport and physical activity while working with youth;
- To share good practices of using sport activities to enhance active participation of young people;
- To involve more young people in trainings and workshops at national and international level;
- To develop an online learning platform as a resource for trainers and young people interested in organizing activities using the methodology “education through sport”;
- To create a network of trainers with competences in the methodology “education through sport” which will represent ISCA pool of trainers;
- To create a toolbox with educational activities through sport to be used by trainers and other interested people in their local/national/international context.
Costs: ISCA will support all costs related to accommodation and food. The participants should arrange their own travel to each training venue. Participants will receive a travel reimbursement of 70% of the total costs, up to the amount of 280 euro.
The organizers will need to receive all original tickets and receipts to be able to enable a refund. We encourage participants to make use of the cheapest methods of travel possible.
For each event, the participation fee will be 40 euro.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 20th of May 2012

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