English version

065. Listen Up! - Young People and Democracy - Seminario

Data: 07/05/2012

NR.: 65

DATA: 05.05.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: Listen Up! - Young People and Democracy

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Simon Chambers (Inghilterra)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Seminario

ARGOMENTO: Seminar on young people and democracy


Activity date: 11-12 June 2012
Venue place, venue country: British Council, London, United Kingdom
Target group: Youth leaders, Youth Policy Makers, Others in position of influence
For participants from: Youth In Action Programme Countries
Group size: 80 participants.
Details: A seminar on young people and democracy in preparation for the European Year of Citizens (2013). The event will consider initiatives in youth democracy from different countries, and link good practice to national and international policy developments.
1. This event aims to showcase what works: projects that are making a real difference to how young people see democracy and to how they contribute to democratic processes – locally, nationally and internationally.
2. Specific objectives are,
- to demonstrate current approaches in the UK and other European countries to maximising young people’s democratic participation;
- to provide opportunities for young people to engage with policy-makers/influencers in an international forum;
- to raise the profile of the Youth in Action programme in building the skills and experience of young people – and to increase take-up of YiA Actions 1.3 and 5.1.
3. The event will be aimed at young leaders, policy-makers and others in positions of influence in youth and community affairs – from all Youth in Action programme countries;
4. Participants will consider initiatives in youth democracy from different European countries, and link examples of good practice to policy developments nationally and internationally. They will have opportunities to visit youth projects currently underway in the UK.
Costs: This event is financed by the Youth in Action Programme. Direct costs for participants selected for the event will be covered by the UK National Agency (including: accommodation, travel, visa). However, participants will be responsible for arranging and paying for their own travel insurance.
If you come from a country which is not a Youth in Action Programme Country, please contact the UK National Agency for further information about the financial details.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 16th of May 2012

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