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068. "Global kitchen cooks the climate: Training course on alimentation and sustainability” - Training course

Data: 12/05/2012

NR.: 68

DATA: 12.05.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Global kitchen cooks the climate: Training course on alimentation and sustainability”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Magdalini Parali (Germania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Food production and the environmental challenges


Activity date: 6th - 14th of August 2012.
Venue place, venue country: Kommune Niederkaufungen, near Kassel, Germany.
We all eat. Every day. Obviously! Food is essential to life. But what does my alimentation and food choices have to do with our economic system, society and the environment? If you want to find out more about food and globalisation, join this project!
Target group: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders.
For participants from:
Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom.
Group size: 24 participants.
In this Training Course we will gather 24 multipliers, be it volunteers or paid workers at NGOs working with young people. The main selection criteria is that you bring some basic experience and most importantly lots of motivation to further develop local activities on sustainability after the international training. It is great if you bring some practical experience with you! In this Training Course our central focus will be on food and alimentation. We want to explore its links to our economic system, society, environment and the individual. We believe that food and alimentation is an area of life, where most of us have a power of choice and alternatives. In this sense it is up to each one of us to take responsibility for a change and to look critically at food production and the environmental challenges that it brings about. We talk about “food industries”, when we describe the way how most food is produced nowadays. And we probably all know that this way of production has a huge impact on natural resources and our social life. We are also aware that the antagonism between obesity and hunger describe quite well the results of inequalities in today's globalised world. Alternatives are being tried out by many people in different places: sustainable agriculture, organic farming, urban gardening, slow-food culture, more sustainable business practices, etc... However, as an individual it is very hard to understand the challenges and know the options. This activity will take place in the seminar-house of the commune “Kommune Niederkaufungen”. More than 60 people live there together, practicing alternative approaches of living, working and farming together. The place will give us insight and impulses for our own reflection process. We will cook together during the TC, so that the practice of food is present in our every day's life.
30% of travel costs + participation fee. The normal participation fee is 70 Euro. However we know that this amount has different values for different people. Therefore we ask participants to pay according to their possibilities with a minimum of 35 EURO.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 2nd June 2012.

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