English version

069. “TOT4_All - Training course for developing trainers” - Training course

Data: 14/05/2012

NR.: 69

DATA: 14.05.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: “TOT4_All - Training course for developing trainers”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Oliver Schneitter (Svizzera)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Training for developing trainers


Activity date: 21st – 29th of July 2012.
Venue place, venue country: Tannenheim Center Balmberg, Switzerland.
TOT4_All brings together experienced trainers that share a common background (Training of Trainers) in order to strengthen the quality of their youth work and explore their learning outcomes.
Target group: Trainers.
For participants from:
Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey.
Group size: 30 participants.
This 9-day training course entitled “ToT4_All - training for developing trainers” builds on SALTO's Training of Trainers (ToT)1 10 editions assets: its participants. We will bring together experienced trainers that share a common background (ToT) in order to strengthen the quality of European youth work and training.
European youth policy faces several challenges. The Europe 2020 strategy and proposals like the “Erasmus for All”-Program that sets a bigger emphasis on formal learning, show how the European Commission is dealing with them. These developments ask for a rethinking about the role and value of Non Formal Education as well as about the quality of European youth work. Participants coming to this Training Course are experienced trainers, who will have the possibility to network with international colleagues and further develop and strengthen their own trainers' competences.
The overall aims of the training course are:
1. To support the quality of Non Formal Education and European youth work taking into consideration present challenges and future developments and programs (raising youth unemployment, Youth on the Move, Erasmus for All);
2. To promote and strengthen an international network of Trainers for European Non Formal Education projects (based on SALTO's ToT participants).
The specific objectives of the training course are:
• To support a sustainable ongoing learning process of trainers;
• To empower self directed learning;
• To further develop trainers' competences through sharing experience, methods, tools and good practices;
• To debate and exchange opinions about the values of European youth work;
• To foster a critical approach towards important European youth policy concepts, such as “learning mobility”, “European Citizenship”, “active participation”, “cultural diversity”, “inclusion”, “Inclusive growth”, “entrepreneurship” or “employability”;
• To explore the “new” role of trainers and youth workers at European level according to policy developments;
The course is based on the principles of non-formal education and will favour a holistic and experimental approach using participants’ needs, motivations and experiences as the starting point of the programme. Methods will be based on creative and broad individual and group work, indoors and outdoors using the potential of the group. Methods will give participants an opportunity to really develop their own self directed learning and learning to learn skills by being trainers and participants at the same time.
70% of the travel costs will be refunded after having recieved the original travel documents. Accommodation and food are covered by the programme.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 28th of May 2012.

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