English version

072. "Back to the Nature! II" - Gioventù - Training course

Data: 17/05/2012

NR.: 72

DATA: 17.05.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: Back to the Nature! II

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Gizella Sauer (Ungheria)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Outdoor activities


Activity date: 15-25 July 2012
Venue place, venue country: Hungary
Summary: BTN!II. is a 10-day outdoor programme for 18+aged youth workers aims to explore outdoor tools –low- and high rope elements- that are used in experiential education. Tools: Experiential educ., building of rope elements, theory, practice, self experience.
Target group: Youth workers, trainers
For participants from: Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic
Group size: 30 participants.
It is a 10-day outdoor programme for 18+aged youth workers aims to explore outdoor tools –low- and high rope elements- that are used in experiential education. Tools: Experiential educ., building of rope elements, theory, practice, self experience. BTN! II. is a 10-day outdoor programme for 18+ aged youth workers aims to explore outdoor tools –low- and high rope elements- that are used in experiential education. By the end of the project participants will be able to create rope elements, will do workshops about safety and first aid and gain knowledge how to use the ropes and other outdoor tools. The project will be organized with the participation of 6 partners from following countries: Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Portugal, Bulgaria and Finland. Their youth workers will take part on the 10 days course starting from 15. 07. 2012 till 25. 07. 2012 in Hungary.
Aims are to:
- Improve outdoor trainer skills (soft and hard);
- Gain knowledge about outdoor methods used for experiential education;
- Gain experience how to handle challenging situations during outdoor trainings;
- Technical knowledge about building and using low- and high rope-elements;
- How to use ropes and other outdoor methods for personal development.
Tools are:
Experiential education, high/low ropes activities, building of rope elements, theoretical lectures and practical education, workshops and self experience.
Themes are:
- professional outdoor trainer skills
- low- and high ropes course in experiential education,
- equipments and special outdoor tools
- belaying, rappelling and rescue techniques
- safety and risk management
- first aid
- planning and running of complex outdoor activities/programs
- Age limit: 18+
- Experience: You are an outdoor instructor, youth worker, working with groups of different age and target.
You have at least top-rope climbing experience.
Costs: Servus Salutis covers the following costs:
- accomodation
- food
- the costs of the programme
- maximum 70% of the travel costs of foreign participants, funded by the Youth in Action Programme, according to the conditions described in the attachment. For this we received grant from the Youth in Action Programme, for participants from the countries mentioned above, without age limit. Please read the information letter.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 9th of June 2012

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