English version

073. "ACTIVacting employability through creativity" - Gioventù - Training course

Data: 22/05/2012

NR.: 73

DATA: 22.05.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: ACTIVacting employability through creativity


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Creativity and unemployement


Activity date: 19-27 August 2012
Venue place, venue country: Heiligensee, Berlin Kinder- und Jugendgästehaus Heiligensee, Germany
Summary: Youth unemployment is a growing threat. What role can creativity play in tackling it? How can youth workers use it? Deepen your understanding of creativity, face your creativity barriers, reflect on the new role of youth workers!
Target group: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers, EVS mentors/tutors
For participants from: Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom
Group size: 27 participants.
Details: This training course is targeted at youth workers, who are not working directly on employability as their main topic, but who are sharing with youngsters part of their time and who are willing to keep in mind the issue of employability when organizing activities and projects, as well as when defining learning objectives. We want to look at creativity's potential as a tool and approach for youth workers and how it can foster employability. Employability in this sense is not “getting the job”, but rather a self development and empowerment process, that might culminate in creating one's own job, being fit for the labour market, or anything in between...
The main aims of this project are:
- To tackle youth unemployment through creativity;
- To promote a reflection on the new role of youth workers.
And the specific objectives are:
- To deepen the understanding of creativity
- To facilitate participants' strength and needs towards creative attitude
- To reflect on creativity barriers and ways of overcoming them
- To explore the relation between creativity and employability
- To be more aware of the political context / dimension of youth work
- To get tools to support employability through creativity
- To improve the competence of empowering and communicating with people
- To become more aware of the role of youth workers and its dimensions
- To promote an exchange of ideas and good practices
- To develop an action plan to be realised in everyday job
- The course is based on the principles of non-formal education and will favour a holistic and experiential approach based on participants’ needs, motivations and experiences.
We will be hosted in a “Training House” that is suited to run the sessions and live together. It's a very nice house with a big garden, northwest of central Berlin. We will build on the group process and individual development. This means we live, work, cook and sleep in the same house. Upstairs are the 7 bedded bedrooms, downstairs the working rooms and kitchen, where we will cook tasty meals together.
Costs: 30% of travel costs + participation fee. The normal participation fee is 60 Euro. However we know that this amount has different values for different people. Therefore we set a minimum participation fee of 40 EURO and a maximum of 80 EURO and ask participants to pay according to their possibilities. We expect to gather the necessary average amount with this solidarity-based method. 70% of the travel cost will be refunded after having received all original travel documents (including boarding passes).
Participants or sending organisations advance the money. Reimbursements might take up to 8 weeks after the TC. Reimbursements in cash on the spot are not possible.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 2nd June 2012

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