English version

074. "R_U_Online?" - Gioventù - Seminar

Data: 23/05/2012

DATA: 23.05.2012


RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Paavo Pyykkönen (Finlandia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Seminar



Activity date: 2-7 October 2012
Venue place, venue country: POHTO, Oulu, Finland
Summary: R_U_Online? is a seminar that brings together teams of youth workers and young people who are interested in learning more about the internet, good online practices and ways to use internet for positive change.
Target group: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Young people 16-18 years olds
For participants from: Belgium - FR, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom
Group size: 38 participants.
Details: R_U_Online? Well, most of us are. But what are we doing in the internet? What do we use online services for, what do the others do? Are we using internet for business or pleasure? What are the things that we like and don't like about it?
Internet is everywhere, it has revolutionised the world. It has helped big scale good and bad things happen around the world and given us more freedom and also more worries in our lives. The seminar gives an opportunity to understand ourselves better in terms of internet use. Maybe we can find ways of bringing the positive effects offline as well?
To motivate young people and youth workers to get active on using internet for positive change in society
- To understand better the power of internet and how does it shape our lives
- To reflect how internet reshapes concepts of safety, identity and friendship
- To compare and learn about good online practices to promote positive change in society
- To understand our roles in making positive influence using internet
- To learn about the possibilities of Youth in Action Programme to make projects
We look for teams of 1 adult + 1-2 young people (16-18 years of age) to join the very international seminar and learn about online possibilities. You should be motivated to reflect on your use of internet and learn about the possibilities using online ideas offline.
We prefer teams of 1 adult and 1 young person.
Costs: The Finnish National Agency of Youth in Action Programme will take care of the accommodation costs, meals, training facilities and training materials of the training.
Please contact the National Agency in your country to see how your travel costs are covered or if you have to pay a participation fee.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 19th August 2012

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