English version

076. "TOOL FAIR VII 2012" - Gioventù - Seminar

Data: 25/05/2012

NR.: 76

DATA: 25.05.2012


RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Dominika Jagiello (Polonia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Seminar

ARGOMENTO: Education


Activity date: 19-23 November 2012
Venue place, venue country: Poland
Summary: The 7th edition of the Tool Fair gives you possibility to experience a unique combination of “laboratory” and “market” and to discover tools for learning developed under the Youth in Action programme. The 7th the Tool Fair takes place in Poland. Welcome!
Target group: neighbouring partner countries, youth in action programme countries
For participants from:
Group size: 120 participants.
Details: The Tool Fair VII will put a special stress on the education paradigm between formal and non-formal education and also on the future EU programme for young people. Thus, you will have an exceptional possibility to take part in an event combining the atmosphere of a 16th century renaissance castle hosting the Tool Fair VII with the tools that will help shape the EU youth policy of tomorrow. Aim: The Tool Fair VII aims to contribute not only to the learning outcomes of each individual participant but also to the quality of tools and learning processes at European level, complementing the SALTO-YOUTH Toolbox for Training and Youth Work and various publications, in coherence with the European Training Strategy. Target group: Educational practitioners in European youth field: trainers, youth workers and youth leaders, youth project managers, NA representatives, youth policy makers etc active in the youth field in general and more specifically within the Youth in Action Programme. We welcome participants who have created a tool for learning and/or are willing to share and further develop their tools –together with colleagues- during the Tool Fair. This year we also invite those who realize projects in the frame of the Lifelong Learning Programme using methods of non-formal education. Such a trans-sectoral approach will result in exciting mutual learning effects and will for sure constitute a source of great inspiration for all participants involved. Please feel welcome and share with others your tools!
Costs: - Board and lodging will be provided and paid by the organizers.
- Participants coming from Programme Countries: travel costs can be covered by your National Agency according to their own rules (please check before applying).
- Participants coming from MEDA, EECA and SEE countries: travel and visa costs will be covered by the organizers/respective SALTO.
- Any insurance, especially medical, is a private responsibility of each participant.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 10th September 2012

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