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Data: 01/06/2012

We will use different participative and interactive methods, as well as several inputs and impulses on related topics. We will depart from history and memory to land on individual story telling. Participants will go through an individual and group learning process in an international context. A strong focus will be laid on learning by doing, both as a citizen and as a multiplier. We want to grow together, learning from each other. This demands a strong holistic approach and behaviour. Therefore, living and cooking together considering each other's needs is an important cornerstone of this training course. We want to facilitate an exciting international experience sharing that will contribute to participants self-development as multipliers in this field.
30% of travel costs + participation fee. The normal participation fee is 50 Euro. However we know that this amount has different values for different people. Therefore we set a minimum participation fee of 40 EURO and a maximum of 70 EURO and ask participants to pay according to their possibilities.
We expect to gather the necessary average amount with this solidarity-based method. 70% of the travel cost will be refunded after having received all original travel documents (including boarding passes). Participants or sending organisations advance the money. Reimbursements might take up to 8 weeks after the TC. Reimbursements in cash on the spot are not possible.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 24th of June 2012.

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