English version

085. "Momentum Group Leaders Training Course" - Training course

Data: 07/06/2012

NR.: 85

DATA: 07.06.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: Momentum Group Leaders Training Course

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Momentum Youth Development (Albania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Youth exchanges


Activity date: 21-28 July 2012
Venue place, venue country: Durres, Albania
Summary: Practical training course for professionals and volunteers (age 21+) responsible for leading international youth exchanges. On the course we will share knowledge and experience, and develop a joint code of practice.
Target group: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers, Volunteers
For participants from: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Serbia, Turkey, United Kingdom
Group size: 28 participants.
Details: This is a fully residential programme for youth leaders. You will spend a week together with other professionals and volunteers from 7 European countries, sharing experience, learning from each other, and developing a common code of practice for youth exchanges which you can then use to train your colleagues and others after you return home. A successful international youth exchange should be a rewarding and memorable experience for everyone involved. But looking after other people’s children in a foreign country, keeping them safe while allowing them to have fun, is also one of the greatest professional responsibilities you can ever have. If you have already led youth exchanges, you will be aware of the issues that can arise, and how to deal with them – but there is always more to learn. If you have not yet led an exchange, but you hope to do so in future, this course will give you essential advice and reassurance. During the course you will also get the chance to develop new ideas for Youth in Action / Erasmus for All projects.
Subjects covered include:
- Selecting and preparing participants
- Rules and regulations
- Getting the most from advance planning visits
- Risk assessment and risk management
- Safety vs. Fun
- Dealing with special needs
- Professional standards and personal behaviour
- Intercultural and religious issues
- Anticipating and dealing with problems
- Documentation and reporting
- Evaluation and capturing/measuring learning outcomes
- Debriefing the group, and presenting results to parents, peers and others
- Follow up activities
- Latest information on Erasmus for All
To apply for this course you should be aged 21 or above, involved with a school, youth group or other educational / community organisation or NGO (either as a member of staff or as a volunteer). You should some experience of international youth exchanges, either as a participant or a leader.
Costs: The standard course fee is € 500 per person. (For participants from Albania and neighbouring countries, reduced rates apply – please contact us for details). The fee includes full board accommodation, all activities, and 100% travel costs (within Europe only, and approved in advance). It does not include personal or travel insurance, or pocket money.
We recommend that you ask your organisation to pay the fees on your behalf. It is up to you to agree with them what your personal contribution should be, and how to fundraise.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 30th June 2012

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