English version

088. "Educational Evaluation in Youth Work" - Training Course

Data: 09/06/2012

NR.: 88

DATA: 09.06.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: Educational Evaluation in Youth Work

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Viktorija Manevska (Macedonia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Educational Evaluation


Activity date: 20-27 June 2012
Venue place, venue country: Probistip, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of
Summary: The project “Educational Evaluation for youth work” will provide participants with tools and competencies to plan, conduct and interpret qualitative educational evaluation. OPEN ONLY FOR APPLICANTS FROM ROMANIA, United Kingdom and MONTENEGRO
Target group: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers
For participants from: Montenegro, Romania, United Kingdom
Group size: 20 participants.
Details: Training objectives are:
- To explore the evaluation process which leads to improve youth work and improve youth police ;
- To contribute to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organizations in the youth field ;
- To strength competencies on volunteer that will ensure effective educational evaluation ;
- To empower the development of effective volunteer leadership programs based on non-formal education ;
- To promote recognition of non formal learning and volunteering as tools for employment and active participation.
The programme of the training will be in the framework of non-formal education,using an interactive and participative approach. A team of experienced trainers will design and carry out the programme of the course. The methodological approach to educational evaluation is linked to the implementation and practice and, to the uses of its outcomes at different moments of the process. Educational evaluation has a lot of potential and uses, but
among others, the following will be taken into consideration within the training course:
-To plan better
-To take stock of achievements
-To consolidate results
-To check if we met the interests of the stakeholders and funders
-To reinforce co-operation with partners
The methodology will also focus on evaluation models, when it comes to “What to evaluate?”.
Costs: Costs for boarding and logging during the training will be covered from the hosting organisation (housing, 3 meals per day and coffee breaks)
70% of travel costs will be reimbursed only for the cheapest way of transport.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 14th of June 2012

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