English version

091. "Between Ladoga and Onega" - Partnership Building Activity

Data: 14/06/2012

NR.: 91

DATA: 14.06.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Between Ladoga and Onega"


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Partnership Building Activity



Activity date: 23-29 September 2012
Venue place, venue country: St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation
Summary: This Partnership Building Activity (PBA) with Study Visit (SV) elements aims to create strong ties among participating EVS coordinators and their EVS organisations as well as at the same time to learn about EVS realities in north-west Russia.
Target group: Youth workers, Project managers
For participants from: Eastern Europe And Caucasus, Youth In Action Programme Countries
Group size: 26 EVS coordinators participants.
Details: Main Objectives:
-to get to know each other personally and professionally;
-to build trust and partnership among participating EVS organisations;
- to deepen knowledge of Youth in Action Programme, in particular action 2, EVS;
- to learn about reality of EVS organisations and volunteers in north-west Russia;
-to foster networking among participants and create space for project building;
PBA+SV "Between Ladoga and Onega" will bring together 26 EVS coordinators representing accredited EVS organisations:
-13 persons from7 EECA countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine);
-13 persons from Programme Countries
Participants profile:
-having experience in EVS projects management;
-representing EVS accredited organisation;
-having a working knowledge of English, the working language of the activity;
- available to actively attend the full duration of the activity;
Team of the PBA+SV "Between Ladoga and Onega":
Facilitators team will be composed by 2 persons, experienced in EVS and cooperation between Programme Countries and Eastern Europe and Caucasus region (especially with Russian Federation). Interested to run this activity? Apply till end of June:
Costs: The board and lodging during the training course for all participants will be provided by organisers.
Travel costs of participants from Eastern Europe and Caucasus will be covered by organisers (EECA participants need to cover their medical/travel insurance and local connections to airport/train station in their home countries [in case if it is less than 100 km]).
Travel costs of participants from Programme Countries will be paid by relevant National Agency on its own principles.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 15th July 2012

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