English version

101. “All 4 one and 1 for all” - Contact making seminar

Data: 25/06/2012

NR.: 101

DATA: 25.06.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: “All 4 one and 1 for all”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Danijela Bocvarov (Croazia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Contact making seminar

ARGOMENTO: Rural Youth Work


Activity date: 5th – 9th of September 2012.
Venue place, venue country: Kutina, Croatia
A Contact Making Seminar for young people and youth workers to develop Youth Exchanges and Transnational Youth Initiatives, between organisations from Croatia, Norway, Slovakia and Hungary focused on the theme of Rural Youth Work.
Target group:
Youth workers, Youth leaders, Young people (age 16 to 19) interested and able to develop an international project.
For participants from: Croatia, Hungary, Norway, Slovak Republic.
Group size: 42 participants.
What is the Contact Making Seminar for:
The aim of the CMS is to establish partnerships for Youth Exchanges and Transnational Youth Initiatives involving young people from rural areas and to develop projects and skills to apply in the YIA programme.
• To enable young people and youth leaders to develop projects, in rural areas, to complete the frame work of an application and to develop an action plan;
• To find partners for future cooperation and be inspired to work internationally;
• To explore areas of common interests and exchange of experience and good practice among participants;
• The participants will gain an in-depth understanding of Youth Exchange and Transnational Projects and how to apply for grants from Youth in Action.
Who is it for:
The Contact Making Seminar will bring together 42 representatives of youth groups such as youth councils, youth organisations and youth clubs from rural areas in Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary and Norway. Each organisation will send one youth leader/worker and 1 or 2 young people (age 16 to 19) interested and able to develop an international project.
Participants are expected to:
• Have motivation to develop new projects within Action 1.1 and Action 1.2 under the Youth in Action Programme for young people from rural areas;
• Be entitled to initiate projects on behalf of their organisation;
• Available to actively attend the full duration of the seminar;
• Able to communicate in English, the working language of the seminar.
Working Methods:
Will be based on the participants’ previous experience, competence, needs and motivation, the participant will have the opportunity to develop a Youth Exchange/Transnational Youth Initiative Project through interactive and non-formal learning methods. Through group work, brainstorming, simulation, games, debates and discussions the participants will create projects and will complete applications for grants from Youth in Action.
Participants will learn methods and be given tools for planning and running a Youth Exchange or transnational youth initiative Project.
• The applicants are requested to fill in the on-line application form. The call for participants will be open till 25th of July 2012.
• The selection will be carried out by organisers of the seminar, based on the criteria specified in the "participants profile" section.
• The selected participants will be informed directly till 8th of August 2012.
Costs for training, accommodation, meals, etc are covered by the by Croatian NA and the Norwegian NA. International Travel costs of participants from involved countries will be paid by relevant National Agency. Local transport and insurance costs have to be covered by the participants.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 25th of July 2012.

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