English version

103. “Guides on the road again” - Training course

Data: 28/06/2012

NR.: 103

DATA: 28.06.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Guides on the road again”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Gigi Gyöngyösi (Ungheria)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Social inclusion


Activity date: 27th of September – 5th of October 2012.
Venue place, venue country: Galyateto, Hungary.
Guides on the road again is a practical training combining outdoor methods, self-experience, Non-violent communication and experiential education working with the theme of social inclusion. It involves 6 EU and 4 eastern partner countries.
Target group:
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Social workers.
For participants from:
Armenia, France, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic.
Group size: 30 participants.
Guides on the road again is the next step of a very successful training working with social inclusion. The program will take 9 days involving 30 young social workers working in this field. Our goals are to continue work against social exclusion, to extend knowledge of the social workers, exchange ideas, experiences, in order to make them even more effective within their own community. For this, our practical training involves 6 EU countries, and 4 eastern partner countries. As a first step on the previous training, the participants have put a Handbook of Methodology together, full with activities, tips, ideas which they can use in their work. This time we would like to create a projects to bring youngsters closer to a solution on regional level. The program is mainly based on informal educational methods, tools of self experience and non-violent communication, but presentations, transferring info, space for sharing experiences and views, practical methodical presentations, active practice, and creating own projects are as well on the list. Getting closer to the end of the training the participants again will have the chance of trying out „live” what they have learnt – they will have to arrange a one day community building program for small community (roma and orphanage children). This part will integrate into a longer process created by our Organisation.
• Gain knowledge about experiential education used in the field of social inclusion;
• Gain experience how to handle challenging situations during outdoor trainings;
• Learn about Non-violent communication (NVC);
• Learn about yourself;
• Develop your own project implemented to your local area;
• Contact making, sharing experiences, views, practices.
Tools are:
Experiential education, ropes activities, theoretical lectures and practical education, workshops and self experience, non-violent communication, project management.
Themes are:
• Social inclusion;
• Planning and running of complex outdoor activities/programs;
• How to use experiential education on the field of social inclusion;
• Self knowledge – self understanding;
• Planning own project can be implement locally.
Élményakadémia covers the following costs:
• accommodation;
• food;
• the costs of the programme;
• maximum 70% of the travel costs of foreign participants, funded by the Youth in Action Programme, according to the conditions described in the attachment.
Participants cover the following costs:
• The rest of your travel costs from your living place to the project venue, which can be 0 – 100% of your travel costs, depending on what kind of funding you are coming with;
• Your own insurance (recommended to buy an insurance which covers extreme sports like climbing as well);
• Participants’ contribution: 80 €/ person - To be paid in cash in HUF or € on arrival;
• For those who need Visa to get in the country – please ask for invitation letter. We can give you discount from the participation fee in the amount of your visa costs, maximum of 80 euro. Transportation cost is not covering visa cost. In order to give discount we will need to have a copy and invoice from your visa paper.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 10th of July 2012.

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