English version

115. “InterREGIO - The role of Federal States and Regions in Youth Policy and Youth Work” - European Conference

Data: 04/07/2012

NR.: 115

DATA: 04.07.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: “InterREGIO - The role of Federal States and Regions in Youth Policy and Youth Work”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Jochen Butt-Posnik (Germania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - European Conference

ARGOMENTO: The role of Federal States and Regions in Youth Policy and Youth Work


Activity date: 3rd – 5th of September 2012.
Venue place, venue country: Potsdam, Germany.
InterREGIO focuses on the regions' or departments/federal states' influence on youth policy & youth work. A conference to discuss the added value generated by an active role of regions in European youth policy & transnational cooperation between regions.
Target group:
Youth workers, Youth Policy Makers, Representatives of regional authorities.
For participants from:
Youth in Action Programme Countries.
Group size: 80 participants.
In many European states the responsibility for youth work and youth policy is given to and exercised by the regions or departments/ federal states. Since they create the legal framework, implement directives established by the central governments, promote youth work and draft youth policies they influence the framework and content of youth policy and youth work. In the context of the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy regions and federal states play a decisive role. We want to discuss how they can fulfil their tasks from the perspective of representatives of regions and federal states? Which added value can be generated by transnational cooperation with other countries and regions? The conference wants to study these issues using a peer-learning approach.
Main goals of the event:
• Presentation of best practices which enables federal states and regions to create a specific added value by playing an active role in European cooperation in youth policy;
• Encouragement of federal states and regions to take an active part in shaping a youth policy with a European dimension;
• Giving stakeholders opportunities for mutual exchange and planning of cooperation;
• Increasing the countries’ and regions’ awareness of the EU Youth Strategy and its added value for youth aid.
JUGEND für Europa covers the expenses of the participants for accommodation, meals and participation fee. The travel costs of participants are seen as their contribution and are not refunded by JUGEND für Europa.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 31st of July 2012.

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