English version

122. Animate the Change - Training course

Data: 11/07/2012

NR.: 122

DATA: 11/07/2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: Animate the Change


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Social and global justice, social exclusion


Activity date: 17-26 August 2012
Venue place, venue country: Ptuj, Slovenia
During the training course participants will go to an in-depth process of exploring global and social topics. Different “street work” tools and methods (street theatre, clowning, juggling, flash mobs, animation, etc) will be explored.
Target group: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders
For participants from: Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, United Kingdom
Group size: 26 participants.
In light of the ongoing economic recession that has proven to take its toll on community spirit and solidarity between people, we have set out to bridge the very generations who represent what would be the future of the world - the youth. Even more so, in an honest attempt at rebuilding solidarity we wanted to address those groups of young people who the most face exclusion, isolation and discrimination. In order to reach them, there is a need to use the streets that have a huge potential for informing, making awareness and eventually to contribute to building or merely strengthening a community. Having this in mind we realized specific methods designed for street work would be highly valuable and useful tools for improving the quality of youth work across Europe. Non-formal education has proved to be successful, however in order to attract young people there seems to be a continuous need for more creative, open and diverse methods. We need to learn how to work with an ear for modern changes in youth lifestyle making more steps towards finding the most efficient and safe ways for communicating and attracting young people at risks; not forgetting that what we are aiming for are in fact healthy and diversity-friendly communities, a challenging and demanding task all together, however not an impossible one. Strongly believing in the spirit and values of solidarity, respect and equality the aim of this proposal is to raise the always needed capacities of youth workers so as through alternative youth friendly methods(street methods and techniques) contribute to a cohesive and a healthy society.
If we define the objectives more specifically, we aim to:
- increase the knowledge level of young people and youth workers in topics such as global interdependencies, MDG-s, social and global justice, social exclusion;
- create pro-active attitudes towards social exclusion and global issues;
- encourage participation and involvement of young people in social processes;
- develop sense of common responsibility for the future of their local communities from a global and social perspective;
- develop practical skills in street animation and campaigning methods (street theatre, clowning, juggling, flash mobs, animation etc);
- stimulate the participants to act as fighters against social exclusion in their own organizations and or communities both on local or national level.
The project will take place in Slovenia and it will be addressed to 26 youth workers from all over Europe (8 countries-Program Countries : UK, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Italy, Romania, Latvia, Portugal and Estonia) that will go through a 9 days training course to become street campaigners for social issues.
Structure of the course is as follows:
1) Informing about social exclusion (causes, specifics, consequences), global perspective and related phenomenon; MDG’s;
2) Methods – animation and street theatre – practice / best practices;
3) Developing Campaigns/ Street action skills - important elements, concrete action plan to be implemented on the streets of Slovenia;
4) Follow-up activities for the multipliers of the course.
This project is funded by the Youth in Action Programme. 100 % for accommodation will be covered and 70% of travel cost (Apex tickets) will be reimbursed after receiving original receipts.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 17 july 2012

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