English version

130. Lets talk about jobs - Seminar

Data: 17/07/2012

NR.: 130

DATA: 17/07/2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: Lets talk about jobs



ARGOMENTO: Tackling Youth Unemployment


Activity date: 12-14 September 2012
Venue place, venue country: Tipperary, Ireland
The project to bring together a group of likeminded professionals from different countries and discuss best practice in tackling Youth Unemployment. The project will take the form of an international seminar run over 3 days in Tipperary Ireland.
Target group: Youth workers, Youth Policy makers,Youth Leader,unemployment field,
For participants from: Youth In Action Programme Countries
Group size: 32 participants.
Details: The aim is to give overview what structures are working in order to support young job-seekers. During the seminar participants will visit different organisations and the focus is on empowering, sharing experiences and partner finding. Short seminar for people that are working with unemployed young people. During the visit participants will visit different structures and the focus is in best practices, empowering, sharing experiences and partner finding.
The project aims to bring together a group of likeminded professionals from different countries and discuss best practice in tackling Youth Unemployment. This study visit will bring youth workers from Europe to exchange practices and give them an overview how the local structures are working in order to support young job-seekers and how different actors in the field are co-operating (non-formal learning, school sector, special youth work, private sector). Themes will include
Ensuring a smooth transition from education to workplace
Providing lifelong guidance for young people furthest from the labour market
Ensuring safe and decent jobs for young people
Understanding the Disconnected Youth phenomenon in Europe and its economic and social costs
Looking at actions of engagement to help disadvantaged young people who suffer more than most in times of economic downturn
The social wefare/poverty trap
Exploring the global dimension of youth employment
Local national and European responses what works.
The objectives:
• To document a very use full piece of research
• To create a road map for future youth engagements
• To share best practice
• To build working relationships for future cooperation
• To exchange good practices of working with young job-seekers
• To get insight in various methods
• To visit diverse organizations that work in this field.
• Enhance further cooperation within the framework of Youth in Action.
Profile of participants:
1. Youth workers /or people from other relevant areas (such as social work, youth work, school drop-outs, employment field etc) directly working with unemployed young people and social inclusion and motivated, interested in the topic.
2. Being able to understand and communicate in English as working language
3. Having understanding and basic knowledge about YiA-programme (own experience/materials from NA)
Costs: Food,travel while in Ireland, accommodation all covered. 70% of Flights covered
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 27 July 2012

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