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131. Training Of Trainers (Tot) For Human Rights Education "Vouch For Human Rights" - Training course

Data: 18/07/2012

NR.: 131

DATA: 18/07/2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: Training Of Trainers (Tot) For Human Rights Education "Vouch For Human Rights"

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Gintare Gedrimaite (Lituania)

TIPOLOGIA: Training course

ARGOMENTO: Human Rights Education


Activity date: 1-8 August 2012
Venue place, venue country: Kaunas, Lithuania
Trainining of trainers aims at transferring knowledge, building skills and shaping attitudes of the trainers in order to enable them in raising awareness for the protection of human dignity and of human security on certain issues of group rights
Target group: Youth workers, Trainers
For participants from: Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia
Group size: 24 participants.
The idea of the training came after the necessity of it was proved in a national level. NSII has many ongoing projects were professionally working trainers in the human rights field are needed, but the need is not satisfied as most of the trainers are positioning themselves as being all-competent which is not enough to work with many issues human rights are challenged by.
Trainining of trainers aims at transferring knowledge, building skills and shaping attitudes of the trainers in order to enable them in raising awareness for the protection of human dignity and of human security on certain issues of group rights, such as Anti-bullying; Anti-racism/Anti-xenophobia; Ethnic minorities and Roma rights; Anti-homophobia and gender equality; Mental disability.
Target group
Active trainers from EU and Caucasus countries that have experience working with young people and using non – formal education methods and have particular interest in human rights field. Priorities for working with:
• Anti-bullying;
• Anti-racism/ anti-xenophobia;
• Ethnic minorities and Roma rights;
• Anti-homophobia and gender equality;
• Mental disability;
Goals of the training
- To expose the diverse ways human rights education is occurring in different countries;
- To broaden the trainers knowledge of human rights system, framework, concepts, theory, and practice;
- To provide human rights trainers with legal mechanisms, covenants, and principles;
- To share and introduce materials and methods to be used in human rights education;
- To enhance understanding about organising the human rights learning process for young people;
- To employ trainers with the skills needed to design and implement a programme for peer educators;
- To expand a network of qualified trainers able to work in human rights field in Europe and Caucasus region;
- To deepen understanding on a certain human rights issues mentioned above.
- Non- formal education methods;
- Panel discussions;
- Study visits in Lithuanian Human Rights NGO’s;
- Expert presentations;
- Other thematic workshops.
• Board and lodging costs are covered by organizers;
• All costs related to visa obtaining procedures will be fully reimbursed;
• Travel reimbursements will aim towards 70%, with introduced limits beyond which the estimated 70 % reimbursement will not apply;
• Participation fee will be set at the later stage, but will not be higher than 15 euro;
Accepted participants are expected to arrange their travel to Lithuania in the most economic way.
Exact amounts we are aiming to support you/ up to 70 % of your travel costs:
Armenia – 245 euro*; Russia – 240 euro*; Slovenia – 230 euro*; Romania – 210 euro*; Greece – 220 euro*; Georgia – 230 euro*; Ukraine – 220 euro*
(100% of eligible travel costs is 350 euro)*
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 21 July 2012

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