English version

193. “European citizen- where are you?” - International Youth Meeting

Data: 27/09/2012

NR.: 193

DATA: 27.09.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: “European citizen- where are you?”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: CGE Erfurt e.V. (Repubblica Ceca)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - International Youth Meeting

ARGOMENTO: European citizenship


Activity date: 21-30 October 2012
Venue place, venue country: Prague, Czech Republic
Summary: The 4th International Youth Meeting “EUROPEAN CITIZEN- WHERE ARE YOU?” in Prague, Czech Republic, 21st – 30th of October 2012 will gather young people from EU27 programme countries, South Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Caucasus.
Target group: Youth leaders, trainers, facilitators, youth worker
For participants from: Eastern Europe and Caucasus, EE Member States, Liechtenstein, South-East Europe
Group size: 50 participants.
Details: During the Youth Meeting we will discuss the terms “Participation” and “European citizenship”, give a theoretical background and think about the question how is it in praxis? Establish connection between (youth) participation and core themes which we consider as crucial in European youth work when approaching the challenges of the 21st century as “discrimination, xenophobia & exclusion”; “fight against Youth Unemployment” and “Marketing, PR and the Web 2.0. for Youth NGOs”. The program gives the opportunity discuss practical examples as well as prevailing problems; suggest and communicate non-formal methods in order to use them in practice; show and diffuse good examples of European youth work (Quality & Experiences / Recognition of Non-Formal Education and Youth Work); critically discuss and creative thinking about European youth work and new ways of participation, to improve, document and promote youth projects in future (Networking, partnership building & future cooperation); share experiences with youth participation projects and discuss the issue of quality in order to improve it and to evaluate recent developments.
Costs: A participation fee is taken. Accommodation and board are covered and 70% of travel costs are reimbursed.
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 1 October 2012

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