English version

207. “Volunteering and voluntary services in Europe – creating more opportunities for cross-border volunteering for young people” - Contact making seminar

Data: 16/10/2012

NR.: 207

DATA: 16.10.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Volunteering and voluntary services in Europe – creating more opportunities for cross-border volunteering for young people”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Jochen Butt-Posnik (Germania)

TIPOLOGIA: Contact making seminar



ALTRE NOTIZIE: Activity date: 13-14 December 2012
Venue place, venue country: Bornheim/Bonn, Germany
Summary: This contact making seminar offers a forum for cross-border volunteering projects and cooperations. It aims to increase the numbers of placements and possibilities for crossborder volunteering in national voluntary services and EVS.
Target group: Youth workers, Project managers, Volunteer organisations
For participants from: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russian Federation, Spain, United Kingdom
Group size: 30 participants
Details: we would like to invite you on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth for the European Partner Finding Seminar “Volunteering and voluntary services in Europe – creating more opportunities for cross-border volunteering for young people”. Target group are volunteering organisations which would like to start or to increase the hosting/sending of volunteers across the border. This does not at the first place refer to European Voluntary Service (EVS), but rather to national services which are open to volunteers from other EU countries or to any other volunteer scheme or activity which could be opened or is open for volunteers from other countries. See more details in the attached programme. Due to financial restrictions we would like to address the invitation to a number of selected organisations from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Russian Federation, Spain and United Kingdom. This Partner Finding Seminar is the follow up of the international high-level seminar “Creation of new opportunities for cross-border mobility of young volunteers in Europe”, held 22./23. September 2011 in Berlin. It aims to contribute to create more possibilities for volunteers to do cross-border voluntary services or activities.
Costs: Accommodation and lodging costs will be covered by the organizers, travel costs have to be covered by the participants or their organisations.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 30 October 2012

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