English version

217. “1st European Alcohol Policy Youth Conference” - Youth Conference

Data: 28/10/2012

NR.: 217

DATA: 28.10.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: "1st European Alcohol Policy Youth Conference"

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Vlad Alexandru Grosar (Slovenia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Youth Conference

ARGOMENTO: Alcohol policy in Europe


Activity date:
8th – 14th of November 2012.
Venue place, venue country: Bled, Slovenia.
The idea of the conference is to bring together 100+ young people from across Europe to build capacity to become advocates of a better alcohol policy in Europe.
Target group:
Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers, Youth Policy Makers.
For participants from:
Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Turkey.
Group size: 107 participants
The conference is organized by APYN with funding from the EU Youth in Action program. The conference also invites experts on advocacy and policy making to exchange their own experiences with the participants. These experts will come from various entities such as World Health Organisation (WHO), European Commission (EC), Netherlands’ Institute for Alcohol Policy (STAP), Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS), Euro care Members and the Ministry of Health of Slovenia.
The idea of the conference is to bring together 100+ young people from across Europe to build capacity to become advocates of a better alcohol policy in Europe.
Conference aims:
• to raise interest among young people and youth organizations in Europe about alcohol policy;
• to empower the participants with the necessary skills and capacities in order to actively promote their views on alcohol;
• to engage with these views in the policy-making, by capacitating them to be of influence next to institutions and authorities, as well as for raising awareness next to their constituencies and partners at the local, national or European levels;
• to provide the necessary tools and training for participants to be able to conduct community based projects to reduce the alcohol related harm on youth;
• to bring their own expertise and best practice and exchange them with the rest of the participants, as well as gain more skills on advocacy and policy-making.
The conference will have three parallel sessions:
• Training course for beginners, targeted for people who hasn’t started working on alcohol projects yet;
• Training course for youth researchers (intermediate/advanced), aimed to those willing to work on scientific research regarding alcohol use among youth;
• Training course on alcohol policy, advocacy and lobbying (advanced), aimed for those willing to influence local, national and international authorities on alcohol policy and advocacy.
The conference will have combination of workshops, planarian and training sessions on soft skills, delivered by experienced facilitators.
Food and accommodation costs are 100% covered, while the travel will be 70% refunded. The participation fee is 50,00 euro.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 1st of November 2012.

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