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Data: 30/10/2012

• To raise awareness and educate the general public especially the youth on the importance of biodiversity conservation;
• Encourage students to be more responsible and independent in their sustainability initiative.
Expected results:
At the end of the forum,
• 200 young people from partner countries Youth in Action Programme are mobilized, trained, educated and awareness on sustainable development;
• 200 young people especially who have fewer opportunities are trained in administrative and financial management of an association and then editing and project management;
• A platform for the youth of the future she wants is implemented;
• The shares of North-South partnerships and South-South are developed and strengthened;
• Opportunities are provided for young people to meet and discuss with the authorities and youth with experts from the European Union and United Nations;
• An ambassador is chosen to promote the sustainable development of the environment with the trophy tree 2013;
• The general public especially the youth is educated and aware of the importance of biodiversity conservation;
• Young people are encouraged to be more responsible and independent in their sustainability initiative.
Registration for participating in this forum is 795 euro.
The registration fee includes:
• Access to the forum;
• Access to training with media;
• Access to the conference with media;
• T-Shirt Forum;
• Lunches;
• Breaks;
• Accommodation;
• Dinners;
• Transport during the forum in Lomé;
• Access to miss the election ceremony for the award of the 2013 Green Tree;
• Access to the tour and sights Kpalimé to about 150 km from Lomé;
• Ticket costs are the responsibility of the participants. But every time, participants can apply to their partners support against strong international visibility at the forum. Just as we are informed.
Working language: French.

SCADENZA: 30th of November 2012.

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