English version

altre informazioni

Data: 16/11/2012

All participants must also:
• have the motivation and capacity to develop projects for and with young people on access to social rights;
• have an interest to work in partnerships with local authorities on enhancing dialogue for improving access of young people to social rights;
• have a specific target group of young people they will be working with throughout the LTTC;
• are motivated to learn and to develop their professional and personal competences;
• intend to remain active in their organisation/institution for the next 2 years and multiply their learning in their organisation/institution and community;
• be aged 18-35, with exceptions possible;
• be resident in one of the countries of the European Cultural Convention of the Council of Europe;
• be able to work in English or French (tbc);
• be available for full participation in all four phases of the course.
The candidates must be supported by their organisation for the whole duration of the course. It is a requirement for the selection that candidates’ organisations have developed or are in a position to develop partnerships with local and regional authorities/civil society for the enhancement of social inclusion of young people.
Before applying, each candidate should prepare:
• a support letter from their organisation, stating the support offered to the participant throughout the course, and;
• a social analysis and an outline of the project idea that the candidate intends to develop during the project development phase, which should specify the role of local authorities and civil society organisations in the project. The project outline is important to illustrate what the applicant has in mind and the social context within which the project is placed. The possible acceptance of an applicant does not imply, for the Council of Europe, automatic support or acceptance of the project. Participants will, as part of their learning process, look for funding sources for their projects themselves. The letters of support for the candidate should explain the need and the value for the sending organisation or authority and for the candidate to attend this course. If an organisation wishes to propose more than one candidate, the order of priority should be clearly indicated and justification for the priority list should be provided. Applicants without recommendation letter will not be accepted. All candidates must apply online and send their recommendation letters by 20 December 2012, at midnight Central European Time. A group of preselected participants will be announced by the mid-January 2013. Only candidates who will be able to provide after the preselect ion and before the seminar a generic support letter from local or regional authorities (or other relevant governmental agencies and institutions working on the local level), and respectively for preselected candidates working for public institutions a letter of agreement from civil society organisations, will be invited to the course. The selection will be done respecting the candidates’ organisations’ priorities, but also ensuring a balance between sexes, geographical regions, different types of experiences, backgrounds and organisations, institutions or projects. A waiting list may be drawn up.
Meals and accommodation for the residential seminars will be provided and paid for by the Council of Europe. Travel costs for the seminars will be fully reimbursed according to the Council of Europe rules. An enrolment fee of 60 Euros is payable by each participant. This amount will be deducted from the amount to be reimbursed for travel expenses or paid during the residential seminar. The Council of Europe will not reimburse any fees related to the usage of Internet during the course.
Working language: English and French.

SCADENZA: 20th of December 2012.

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