English version

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Data: 16/01/2013

Who can do this training?
This training is open for anyone without age limits, from Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Latvia, Netherlands and Czech Republic (citizens and/or having a residence permit).
Our main target group are youth workers, thus, people:
• who regularly work with youth;
• who are working with outdoor methods and want to acquire new view on outdoor activities in winter;
• who want to start using outdoor methods in their programs;
• who want to learn about importance of properly chosen closing of activities in experiential education and practice it as much as possible;
• who are able to follow the training and work in simple English.
There are no further selection criteria for this training. Everyone who finds himself or herself in accordance with these criteria is eligible to join the training. However, there is limited amount of places per country, once the places are filled, we cannot accept more participants.
Accommodation, food, lectors and 70% of travel costs are cover by Youth in action programme, 30% of travel costs and participation fee of 50€ are covered by participants.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 10th of March 2013.

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