English version

altre informazioni

Data: 17/01/2013

Interaction with others
During the training the whole group is working as a support system for one another. All the skills and techniques given will be practiced in many different settings, such as couples, small teams of three or four people and bigger groups. As far as we are in the field of coaching, constant interaction with others, through several combinations, is essential and very helpful. Through this interaction, the chance is also given for every individual to coach and to be coached during the days of the training.
Tools and extra elements
As an extra element, we are using in some spots during the training the tool of media. Media are going to be a tool in two different ways. Either in order to show and to share through videos successful performances and knowledge, of others from the field of coaching or in order to reflect on what we are practicing during the days.
As part of the Synergy Group, we want to keep the expenses for participants as low as possible, so everyone can participate. We realize that still for many individuals the travel and participation fee can be an investment. We invite you to be creative about it. More specifically, there are all kinds of cheap ways to travel, if you spend some time to look for it or ask someone to support you in it. Sharing with people the fact that you are looking for cheap ways of travelling to Croatia is, mostly, very effective. Also, asking and sharing about the participation fee is a very effective way of getting support. If you think this training is for you, do not let the money be an obstacle to give yourself this experience. Syncro Training Center financially supports the training. Participation fee 380 € Students and persons without a paid job – 20% discount - 310 €. Participants are taking care of their own travel expenses. Hosting, catering and training expenses are covered by the Syncro Training Center. Reserve your place by paying 100 € deposit to Syncro bank account. Another option is to provide an evidence of a purchased ticket for arriving to Croatia - a scan, photocopy or similar.
The rest can be done in two ways:
• By bank transfer before the training starts (keep in mind that sometimes it takes a few days for the many to be transferred, if it is an international payment);
• In cash during the registration in Zagreb before the start of the training.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 20th of March 2013

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