English version

altre informazioni

Data: 08/02/2013

Flow of the long-term training course:
• 1st phase:
Initial training course;
Duration: April 23rd – 30th 2013;
Venue: Budapest, Hungary.
• 2nd phase: Field phase;
Duration: May 2013 – August 2013;
• 3rd phase: Advanced training course;
Duration: September 22nd- 28th 2013;
Venue: Budapest, Hungary.
There will be places for 16 participants at the training, selected according to the criteria below:
• Professionals, volunteers and multipliers motivated to work on anti-discrimination topics;
• Motivated in exploring one’s own blind spots in terms of discrimination or lacks of diversity and willing to raise awareness;
• Desire to initiate activities within own working fields and organisations in order to reduce exclusion and discrimination;
• Some experience or knowledge (as a group leader, participant, mentor, etc.) about international youth mobility projects is helpful;
• Motivated for further personal and professional development;
• Committed to further explore social justice topics and take part in field-work (study visits, projects for young people, etc.)or projects between the two residential events;
• Confident in and able to communicate in (international) English.
• Available to actively participate in the full duration of the course (including both residential events and field phase);
• Having support from their employers in order to take part in the full duration of the LTTC and to carry out activities which should develop the organisations policies.
This LTTC is organized by the HU and UK National Agencies of the Youth in Action Programme.
• Board and lodging will be provided and paid by the hosting National Agencies of YiA Programme;
• Participants coming from Programme Countries: travel costs can be covered by your National Agency according to their own rules (please check before applying);
• Any insurance, especially medical, is a private responsibility of each participant.
Information for National Agencies
All National Agencies of the Youth in Action Programme are welcome to send participants to the two residential events of Social Justice and Diversity LTTC. In case the NA decides to support an applicant, we would be happy if it could ensure the involvement of participants in both residential events (covering international travel costs + possibly follow-up the participant(s)).
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 5th of March 2013.

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