English version

176. “The Hive- Exchange of practices about cooperative methodology” - Seminar / Conference

Data: 14/06/2013

NR.: 176

DATA: 14.06.2013

TITOLO PROGETTO: “The Hive- Exchange of practices about cooperative methodology”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Mélanie Ravaud (Francia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Seminar / Conference

ARGOMENTO: Identify similarities, differences of cooperative pedagogy in a European context.


Activity date:
26th – 30th of August 2013.
Venue place, venue country: La Roche sur Grane, France.
To start from each participant’s experiences in order to build a common base of practices around cooperative pedagogies, that each participant will be able to use and adapt in his own fields.
Target group: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Project managers, EVS mentors/tutors.
For participants from: Youth in Action Programme Countries.
Group size: 25 participants
This activity is part of the training and cooperation plan of French National Agency for Youth in action programme, and is run by the French organisation of ex-EVS participants.
Objectives of the seminar
• Share experiences and tools about cooperative methods;
• Create a common understanding of key concepts;
• Identify similarities, differences of cooperative pedagogy in a European context;
• Use of pedagogical praxis (retroaction theory/practice);
• Multiplying and networking;
• Improve intercultural dialogue.
The target groups of this european seminar are european volunteers (or ex-EVS), educators, animators, teachers using and interested by cooperative pedagogies in order to put them into practice with their groups in their working field and exchange about the different methods they use. The ideal group would be 20-25 participants from different european countries. The priority is to gather a space for meeting and sharing for participants that come from the network of EVS (and ex-EVS) and associations working according to cooperative pedagogies.
This activity is part of the training and cooperation plan of French National Agency for Youth in action programme, and is run by the French organisation of ex-EVS participants. French National Agency will cover the hosting costs (accomodation and food, programme of activities). The travel costs can be covered partially or totally by sending National Agencies of participants. Please contact your National Agency to check if they can cover your travel costs.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 12th of July 2013.

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