English version

altre informazioni

Data: 16/07/2013

The participants should …
• be (non-formal) educational practitioners in youth work, this could be as a trainer, facilitator, workshop leader, coach, workcamp leader, researcher, expert, consultant or project manager in charge of designing educational activities.
• have a certain level of experience. This event is NOT an introductory “Training of Trainers”, and it does not target beginners. It is a meeting of practitioners who already have something to share.
• be in a position to influence the decision making of their organisation(s) and to ensure the implemen-tation of follow-up projects.
• be able and willing to actively participate for the full duration of the training course, and able to fully communicate in English.
• be ready to organize and facilitate a workshop or presentation for the other participants during the project, based on the area of expertise, excellence and/or passion.
• bring one physical ressource from your educational field (a book, a tool, …) and/or several electronic ressources for the joint library and ressource collection.
• The international travel costs are covered with 70%. The following amounts are the maximum travel costs in EURO per participants and country, from which 70% are reimbursed: AUSTRIA 350, BELGIUM 350, BULGARIA 300, ESTONIA 350, GREECE 500, HUNGARY 350, ITALY 550, LITHUANIA 400, SLOVAKIA 350, SPAIN 400, TURKEY 450;
• Visa costs are covered 100% up to a maximum amount of EUR 60 per person (only applies to Turkey);
• Board, lodging, local transports, all materials and the content of the training course are covered for a participation fee of EUR 50;
• You are in charge of arranging your own insurance for your travel and stay in Denmark.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 28th of July 2013.

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