English version

altre informazioni

Data: 23/07/2013

Cost of accommodation, meals and other related costs will be covered by the organisers of the Eastern Partnership Youth Forum: the European Commission (Eastern Partnership Platform 4, Youth in Action Programme), the Lithuanian Government and other funds. Certain budget limits will apply. Participants will be accommodated in shared twin rooms. Participants willing to accommodate in single rooms will be asked to pay 35 EUR extra per night. Travel costs for participants from Youth in Action Programme countries will be covered by relevant National Agencies. Please contact your National Agency for more details (financing, travel arrangements, reimbursement of expenses, etc.). For participants (including representatives from respective ministries) from Eastern Partnership countries, travel and visa costs will be covered by the organisers of the Eastern Partnership Youth Forum. Please note: A participation fee may be required from selected participants from Youth in Action Programme countries. No fees will be required from Eastern Partnership country participants.
Working language: English. Interpretation from English to Russian and from Russian to English will be provided in the plenary sessions. Linguistic support will be provided in the working groups.

SCADENZA: 5th of September 2013.

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