English version

altre informazioni

Data: 05/08/2013

Information for applicants under 30:
Costs for participants
In order to keep the costs as low as possible for the participants we have decided to drop the normally required 30% travel costs and opted for a €50 PARTICIPATION FEE which will reduce the cost dramatically for most participants. Nevertheless we urge sending organisations to cover the participation fee of the participants. All other costs: 100% of travel, board and lodging, local transport are paid by the host organisation.
Travel arrangements
We are working with a travel agency so there is no need to book your own travel tickets. After subscribing you will be contacted by the organisers to give your travel information. Based on that information the travel agency will book the tickets and issue them to you by e-mail. Youth researchers and youth policy makers over 30 are also welcome to take part in the conference but will need to cover their own costs.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 15th of August 2013.

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