English version

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Data: 20/02/2014

Who can participate?
• Individuals who work with children, teens and young adults (have an opportunity to use the BTS immediately) Youth-workers, teachers, administrators, adult volunteers, artists, counselors, therapists, life coaches, probation officers, camp personnel, facilitators, workshop leaders, youth group leaders, and supervisors.
• People who are just getting started (have an opportunity to use the BTS in the near future) Those who have just begun working with youth or young adults and want to set off on a good start, understand their work, gain expertise and success.
Outdoor activities covered
• Low ropes;
• Problem solving;
• Communication and teamwork;
• Kayaking expedition.
Participation fee:
590 €. It covers accommodation costs, three meals per day, safety insurance from arrival till departure date, all the traveling done during the training, kayaking and other outdoor equipment, 24/7 first aid supervision, written materials. We offer 5% discount to the ones who send us an anecdote on how they have heard about Outward Bound for the first time. Participants have to cover their travel costs to and from the training.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 17th of March 2014.

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