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Data: 27/02/2014

Theoretical background will be according to the proposals of European Commission as European Youth Strategy, then Youth in Action Programme as annual priority and key competence “Creativity and Entrepreneurship” used by Youthpass. Practical background will be built up by the needs and competences of participants as having an own experience how they can find their creative sides by education through sports, arts, intercultural learning. After self – assessment and self – exploration concerning their personality, values and competences, they practice to use their creativity in reality. They need to make a small research within the training venue: how they can benefit from their creative skills and competences in the local community of the training. They have to make the working plans and realize it during the training course. After this experience, they make working and business plans based on the reality of their own local communities how they can benefit from their creativity there. They will be out of their comfort zone and having a safe but useful learning within their risk/stretching zone in order to give support for their young people in the best way.
Costs: The training course is financed by Youth in Action Programme. The food and accommodation will be provided and paid by the organizers. 70% of travels costs will be reimbursed by bank transfer after the course.There is 20 EUR participation free.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 7th of March 2014

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