English version

altre informazioni

Data: 06/08/2014

Travel and visa costs reimbursement

70% of travel costs will be reimbursed only for the cheapest way of transport and preferably for the return tickets. You will be reimbursed 70% of your travel costs (for all the original tickets and ways of travel that are plane, bus, train or ferry, NOT taxi and NOT car). There is a possibility that you will be reimbursed in higher percentage but it depends on how much will other participants spend on their tickets. Participants must keep all travel documents (tickets, travel agency invoices and boarding passes) as organizers are able to make any reimbursement only on the bases of presented documents! The travel reimbursement will be done by bank transfers to private bank accounts of yours after you return home and send us the ORIGINAL boarding passes and tickets. When you are buying a ticket, ask for additional bill as well, if possible! Please don’t buy your tickets before we approve them! When you will plan your trip and BEFORE buying your tickets, especially if your planned travel itineraries are different than 14th October – 21st October, please inform us in advance, so we can approve your tickets and travel costs. Also, if you travel from elsewhere than your town and country, please, inform us, so we need to approve it as well. Thanks a lot in advance!
Visa cost:
100% of visa costs will be reimbursed for participants from Turkey by bank transfer together with the travel costs after you return home.
Participation fee: NONE!
Participants will be accommodated in Youth Hostel Zadar in city of Zadar. Organisers will provide 3 meals and 2 coffee breaks per day. All additional meals, drinks and other needs, participants will cover for themselves.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 25th of August 2014.

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