English version

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Data: 05/09/2014

There is no participation fee. Accommodation, living and other project / exchange related expenses: 100% funded by the EU. This includes everything except for travel costs. Travel (flights, other means of transport) expenses are compensated (up to 100%), based on the distance from your location of residence to the location of the project. These distances must be calculated using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission. Country Distance in KM Compensation in €:
• Moldavia: 100-499 - 180€
• Romania: 500-1999 - 275€
• Armenia: 500-1999 - 275€
• Poland: 500-1999 - 275€
• France: 2000-2999 - 360€
• Georgia: 500-1999 - 275€
• Ukraine: 500-1999 - 275€
• Croatia: 500-1999 - 275€
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 21st of September 2014.

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