English version

altre informazioni

Data: 23/09/2014

Costs: This training course is financed by the Erasmus +/Youth in Action programme. You pay a participation fee of 75€ and a % of your travel costs depending on the maximum travel budget per country: Germany itself max 275€, all other countries max 275 € and Norway max 360€. The aim is to refund at least 70% of the travel costs for everyone. You will get more practical info about the travel reimbursement in the infoletter after selection. Everything else (accommodation, food and training material) will be covered with the grant of Erasmus+/Youth in Action. You will be asked for an advance payment of 30€ when you confirm your participation. If you for cancel last minute you will loose this amount. If you attend the 30€ is part of the participation fee and will be deducted from it.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 15th of October 2014

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