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Data: 23/10/2014

Through art therapy we will use different visual arts techniques like drawing, painting, collage, puppets ... We will experience the space and introduce participants to the presence of self expression with the performance.
Relaxation and free time in Cabo de Gata
Every important meal needs an proper digestion in a proper space. Based on that premise we plan to make a break by the middle of this retreat, to visit one of the most beautiful natural parks in the south of Spain called Cabo de Gata in the province of Algeria and very near from our location. It is a magic place full of very special energy where participants can feel inspired and in contact with nature and with the beauty of elements, soil, water, air and sun.
This retreat is not funded by anyone but you. It is essential for our purposes and the learning behind, that those willing to come make their own journey to get it done and attend the retreat. No Erasmus Plus, Not European Commission nor any other type of grant. You, and only you is making this investment.
Bearing that in mind:
Board & lodging:
full board, double or single rooms - total price for the week (6 working days): 210 Euros
Retreat Fee: 580 Eur (includes materials and free day in natural park of Cabo de Gata). Total: 790 Euros.
Working language: English & Spanish.

SCADENZA: 1st of May 2015.

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