English version

altre informazioni

Data: 31/03/2015

• has knowledge concerning aims, priorities and rules of Youth Sector of Erasmus+ Programme,
• very good level of spoken and written English language.

Working conditions

Trainer’s fee

7 paid days (260 € per day with tax included).
4 working days during the training
3 days for preparation and evaluation (including individual and team preparation, prep-meeting, on-going and final evaluation directly after the training + final report; prep-meeting dates and final report are not extra paid)
board, lodging and travel costs are covered by hosting National Agency.

Tasks for trainers

One preparatory meeting: 1,5 working days, Warsaw 20-21 may 2014
Programme design & implementation: Come up with an attractive title, specific objectives, develop concept and programme, select active methodology, ideas for necessary input (programme, best practices, theory,…);
Develop the call for participants together with the team of National Agencies;
Evaluate the course and concept;
Prepare the final report with the concept of the course so that it can be repeated;
Availability for the preparatory meeting.

Team composition

2 trainers - responsible for the programme flow, methodology and final report. One European trainer and one member of Polish Trainers’ Pool;

One representative of Polish NA.

Application & selection procedure

Apply no later than: 20.04.2015
How to apply:
To send application form to [email protected]

You will be informed about the selection by: 24.04.2015



For more information

Mikolaj Rozycki, KA2 officer
Phone: +48 22 46 31 415
Email: [email protected]

SALTO-YOUTH is a network of 8 Resource Centres working on European priority areas within the youth field.
Find out more about us.

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